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Ares Multidisciplinary Medical Center


El Submarinisme és l'activitat subaquàtica que ens permet gaudir del nostre entorn submarí. El busseig és una de les activitats aquàtiques més emocionants i fascinants que hi ha. A través de la immersió a l'aigua, es pot explorar un món completament diferent i desconegut, ple de vida marina i paisatges submarins impressionants.

current regulations: recreational diving

According to the regulations in force, for the practice of recreational diving, including experiences of making contact, baptism or similar, it is mandatory to download and responsibly fill out this Official Health Questionnaire. If all the answers are negative, it is not necessary to obtain a Medical Diving Certificate, although it is always recommended.

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When is a Medical Certificate necessary for the practice of recreational diving?

When the answers to the questions in the questionnaire reveal the presence of a pre-existing condition that may affect the safety of the diver, or it is noticeable that his physical condition is not adequate, the practice of diving will not be allowed if passing one is not credited annual medical examination.


Ares Multidisciplinary Medical Center

Frequently Asked Questions

El Certificat Mèdic de Busseig expedit en el Centre Mèdic Ares, compleix estrictament amb les disposicions del Reial decret 550/2020, del 2 de juny, pel qual es determinen les condicions de seguretat de les activitats, publicat en el BOE 177 del 26 de juny del 2020.

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Obtaining the Medical Certificate for diving

You can obtain the Medical Certificate at the Ares Medical Center. You can do it in our center quickly and easily. The following tests are performed:

  • Health questionnaire on pathologies, antecedents and health habits.
  • General physical examination.
  • Specific tests to assess cardiovascular and pulmonary capacity: Electrocardiogram (ECG), spirometry, etc.
  • Otoscope examination to evaluate the tympanic membrane.

Once all the tests have been passed, the doctor will draw up the medical report, which will indicate whether or not the applicant is fit to do this sport.

Permís de busseig
Experiencia de buceo con snorkel
Useful information

What is the validity of the Medical Certificate?

Medical Certificates for recreational diving qualifications are valid for one year, and Medical Certificates for sport diving are valid for two years. However, the period of validity of the certificate is three months, that is to say, no more than three months can pass from the time the document is obtained until it is delivered to the competent entity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Els bussejadors de les modalitats de busseig esportiu i científic hauran de superar almenys cada dos anys un reconeixement mèdic que inclogui les proves d'espirometria, electrocardiograma i d'otorrinolaringologia, i que verifiqui l'aptitud física per a la pràctica.

Professional divers and those engaged in the extraction of living marine resources, as well as recreational diving guides and instructors, must observe the provisions established for them in the current regulations for medical examinations of fitness for these professionals. 

The documentation for processing the cards must be presented in person, with prior appointment, at any of the following offices:

However, professional cards are issued from the headquarters of the Nauticopesquera Training School of Catalonia. Because of this, you will receive the card at your address by post.

For more information you can consult the following link from the Generalitat de Catalunya:

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