Ares Multidisciplinary Medical Center
At the Ares Medical Center you can find professionals in the acupuncture technique.
L’acupuntura és una forma de medicina alternativa, un aspecte clau de la medicina tradicional xinesa. Es basa en la teoria que el cos té una energia vital o Qi que flueix a través de meridians o canals. L’acupuntura consisteix en la inserció d’agulles fines i estèrils a punts específics dels meridians per promoure el flux energètic i l’equilibri del cos. Es caracteritza per ser indolora, eficaç en dolors aguts o crònics, inflamacions, alteracions neurològiques, etc. Els efectes són immediats des de la primera sessió.
An acupuncture session consists of the application of fine needles that are placed at specific points on the skin. This technique generates the secretion of certain neurotransmitters such as endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, which inhibit pain and activate relaxation in the muscular, mental and emotional spheres.
Diferents estudis conclouen que aquesta tècnica aporta grans beneficis. Al Ares Medical Center pots trobar professionals en aquesta tècnica, no només per alleujar dolors, sinó també com a ajuda per deixar de fumar, reduir l’ansietat, etc.

Rejuvenation or facial lifting with acupuncture
Acupuncture facial lifting provides great benefits without using chemicals or other products other than the natural stimulation of our body.
It increases the production of collagen and elastin, thus smoothing wrinkles and firming, while providing elasticity to the skin. It improves blood circulation, brightens the face and reduces blemishes.
It has no side effects or contraindications, so it can be done during pregnancy. The results are immediate.
Auriculotherapy is a natural therapy that consists of stimulating specific points in the ear. This technique is indicated as a complementary treatment to relieve pain, respiratory, cardiac, hormonal, obesity and psychological problems.