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Ares Multidisciplinary Medical Center

Facial Diagnosis with Analyzing Equipment

With the Facial Analyzer with artificial intelligence, we achieve a very precise diagnosis of the condition of the skin, as it allows us to analyze the face from the deepest layers of the dermis. It provides a detailed report on each of the measured parameters (hydration, blemishes, pores, wrinkles, oil level, etc.). Ideal for detecting the specific needs of the skin and choosing the ideal treatment.

With the Facial Analyzer with artificial intelligence, we achieve a very precise diagnosis of the condition of the skin, as it allows us to analyze the face from the deepest layers of the dermis. It provides a detailed report on each of the measured parameters (hydration, blemishes, pores, wrinkles, oil level, etc.). Ideal for detecting the specific needs of the skin and choosing the ideal treatment.
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