Ares Multidisciplinary Medical Center
Certificate of Cranes and Towers
Al Centre Mèdic Ares realitzem el Certificat Mèdic necessari per a la realització de treballs amb Grues i Torres. Si necessiteu obtenir o renovar el vostre carnet d'operador de torre o grua mòbil autopropulsada no dubteu a posar-vos en contacte amb nosaltres.
Useful information
How often do I have to renew my crane and/or tower operator's license?
The license for cranes and towers is valid for five years, so every so often a medical examination must be done to be able to work with this machinery.

Useful information
What documents do I need to obtain or renew the medical examination?
Només cal portar el teu DNI. La fotografia la fem nosaltres.
Useful information
What does the medical examination for the crane and tower license consist of?
If you need a medical assessment to drive a car or a truck, a medical assessment is also necessary to drive and control a crane or a tower.
The medical assessment for the renewal of the tower crane license consists of a visual, auditory and locomotive test. Once the tests have been carried out, if the result is Passed, a Medical Certificate signed by a registered doctor will be issued to be able to process the renewal of the tower crane license.