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Ares Multidisciplinary Medical Center

Nautical Permits

There are different types of Nautical Permits. Here we explain what they are and how to obtain and renew them.

Nautical Permits

Nautical permits are:

  • Navigation License (LN).
  • Pattern / Basic Navigation Pattern (PNB).
  • Skipper / Skipper of Recreational Boats (PEE).
  • Skipper / Skipper of Yacht (PY).
  • Captain / Captain of Yacht (CY).
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At the Ares Medical Center you will find the best team of health professionals, specialists in carrying out all the necessary tests to obtain the psychophysical fitness report.

Obtaining licenses

Each of the nautical permits requires specific training. At the nautical schools you can do the training and they will ask you for the necessary documentation to obtain it. One of the documents you will need to hand in is the psychophysical fitness report, which you can obtain at our center quickly and easily.

Renewal of licenses

The navigation license (LN) is permanent, that is to say, it is the only one that does not need to be renewed. All the others lose their validity in a period of ten years. When the deadline is met, they can be renewed by submitting a recent psychophysical fitness report, which you can obtain at our center. Processing must be done electronically or in person at authorized points. 

Barca navegando en el mar promocionando Permisos Náuticos
Ares Multidisciplinary Medical Center

Frequently Asked Questions

Regarding Nautical Permits.

Frequently Asked Questions

The navigation license (LN) is permanent, that is to say, it is the only one that does not need to be renewed. All the others lose their validity in a period of ten years, except in special cases, or from the age of 70, which are renewed every five years.

These validity periods can be modified in accordance with the limitations established in the psychophysical fitness document.

Even if your title has expired a long time ago, you can renew it at any time to continue browsing.

To renew your nautical license you need to go to a medical examination center and pass the psychophysical tests consisting of a series of auditory, visual and motor coordination tests. The following documentation is also required:

  • Your DNI or NIE.
  • Your nautical license has expired.

Once you obtain the psychophysical fitness report, you can renew in person, by appointment, or electronically.

You can do the procedure at the nautical school where you issued it the first time, at the offices of the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda, or at the captains' offices of the ports.

You can also process it online through the application:

Or through the web:

Cuerdas de barco Navío Mar
Permiso náutico para manejar un velero
Frequently Asked Questions

It is possible to request a duplicate in person at the corresponding administration by presenting the following documentation:

  • Application completed.
  • Payment of the rates in force.
  • Affidavit of loss.
  • If your license has been stolen, a photocopy of the report.

When a duplicate is requested, the interested party is given a copy of the request with the stamp of the registry. This document allows browsing for a maximum period of three months from the date of check-in.

For more information on where to order a duplicate:

Frequently Asked Questions

As of September 1, 2021, the format of nautical qualification cards will change, moving from stamped paper to electronic format with a secure verification code (CSV).

If you have the electronically signed license format, you can take the card downloaded to your mobile or you can take a hard copy of the printable version of the card on board.

If you are interested in obtaining or renewing a nautical license, contact us! we will help you

For more information you can consult the following link:

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